Monday, January 4, 2010

New post for a New Year

So it's 2010. It's no longer the OOs, it's officially the 10s? That doesn't sound as catchy, I like 0h-10s better. Yep, we are now in the 0h-10s.

With a new year, we have been brainwashed to believe that we need to create a list of resolutions meant to better ourselves. Better our health, our character, our job, our relationships, our appearance, etc. I've gotten caught up in this before and made lists and everything, only to fall short months, okay weeks....actually days in. Why? Because I'm human and weak. I don't have the discipline and will power to make huge behavioural changes all by myself at the blink of an eye. Sure I can do it for a little while and if I really, really wanted, I could muster up the strength to do it for a semi-prolonged period of time. But I don't, because it's not natural to me. It's not innate to make significant life changes all on my own strength. I have tried and failed.

This year, I resolve to not make any resolutions. Instead, I seek transformation. I seek to know Jesus better, to have a heart that reflects him more, to live a life that is according to his will and glorifying to Him - to be a vessel. And in my opinion, true transformation can only come from a heart that is after the Lord. Digging deeper into His word, leaning on His everlasting arms, pressing into Him, being still in His presence. I am weak, but I know and believe that Christ will take my weaknesses and make me strong. So this year, I chase the desires He has for my heart, pursue His purpose for my life and dare to dream the big dreams that I can only accomplish through Him.

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