Saturday, January 16, 2010

How can I help?

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." ~ Psalm 31:8

In light of devastating tragedies such as the one that has currently struck Haiti, I sometimes get overwhelmed with a sense of wanting to do something to help but not really knowing how I can actually make a difference. However, what I am learning is that there are some people who are meant to "do" in the wake of disaster - the missionaries, field workers, army, medical professionals, peace keepers, etc. and there are some that are meant to "give" so that these individuals have the necessary funds and resources in order to be as effective as possible. In this situation, I believe I can help giving. It might only be a little bit in comparison to the need, but it helps.

I give to Food for the Hungry Canada. I have been extremely fortunate to work closely with this organization over the past six months. They truly have a heart for Christ and delivering hope to those bound by poverty and helping them create permanent solutions to overcoming poverty. I don't know who actually reads this blog, but if you feel like you can help by giving, I would encourage you to give to this organization and currently all donations towards Haiti relief are matched by the Canadian government.

For my US friends, there is a Food for the Hungry based in the US that is also providing relief in Haiti.

And we can all pray.

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