Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

With it being Thanksgiving and all, I thought I should write a Thankgivingingy blog. I am thankful for many things. Family, friends, shelter, clothing, food, health, a car, a job...but most of all, I am thankful that I don't have to live this life on my own. And in those times when I get overwhelmed with my circumstances and the world around me, I can find peace in knowing that God is with me. He has a perfect plan for my life that he is orchestrating through me and the events and people around me. And in that, I can find a hope that comes only from the Heavenly Father. I am unbelievably thankful for that!

I hope whoever reads this (and whoever doesn't :) had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family!


  1. Love you James! You are amazing and I am SO proud of you! Your faith is an encouragement to me! Talk to you soon!

  2.'s been well over a week now since your last post! Entry/Update please? :)! Love you! See you tomorrow at WW!

  3. My first request...I'm so excited! I have actually been thinking about my next post for awhile, so it's brewing. Hopefully this week...I feel a flurry of posts coming up :) Love you too!
