Once they gave me some ice chips and a cloth to whip off the vaseline, things started to improve. I got wheeled into the recovery room and just hung out while they gave me some drugs. Things were looking up. But when I sat up to start getting dressed, I got really nauseous and almost threw up, so they made me stay longer to get more drugs. My dear sister Jess got my prescription filled while I waited in the hospital and then drove me home a few hours after the surgery. I was very excited to eat when I got home and very thankful that I was able to keep it down. My Aunt Linda and cousin, Kristy (who is a nurse) stopped by to check on me because my parents are on vacation. Kristy helped me with my drugs which was great because I didn't really know what to do with them.
After a pretty terrible sleep, I woke up bright and early so Jess could take me back to the Doctor's to get the packing in my nose removed. I asked him if it would hurt. He said no. He lied. Overall, I think the recovery might be a bit more than I bargained for. I have a splint inside my nose, a cast on the outside of my nose and a gauze mustache for the bleeding. My eyes are swollen and turning black and blue, but I have drugs so I don't feel too much pain. Breathing is the biggest issue and I am mostly just uncomfortable and dizzy. I get my nose cast off in 10 days, but I am not supposed to do anything stressful for two weeks because that often causes bleeding and slows the recovery. From the little I did hear though, apparently the surgery went well and I will be all fixed up in two weeks.
Thanks to my sisters Jess and Jodie who have brought me places and food to eat and to Aunt Linda and Kristy for checking on me! You are all wonderful!